Group meeting - 2
In week two we looked back over our notes and ideas and started to realistically decide what was achievable, and what we would need to plan in order to create a high quality thriller film. We started to think about casting, discussing firstly what we wanted our characters to be like or look like and then secondly we considered what contacts we actually had. Our chosen plot like was based antically around the story of a pedophile and a teenage girl. The idea was to create a piece that hinted at quite brutal issues, but did so it an appropriate and subtle way, because of this we decided to cast girls from between the ages of 12-16 rather than opting for younger actresses, we also chose to use people that we knew, because we felt they'd be able to play the tricky roles in a more natural and relaxed way. We didn't want 'stiff acting,' or for the actor to feel uncomfortable and therefore that awkwardness consequently shine through in our film. We also started to think about available, interesting locations that would run parallel with our storyline.
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